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3 srpnja - 7 srpnja


We would like to inform you that VIII International Evangelization and Hagiotherapy Meeting organized by the Community Prayer and the Word, the Main Supreme Administration will be held in Zagreb, ul don Petra Šimića 1, Hall of the Church of St. Mati Slobode, from 3th to 07th July 2024. The meeting will be led by evangelizers and hagioassistant mentors.

Everyone who is interested in working in evangelization and hagiotherapy, as well as those who want to support this work, is invited to the meeting.

The meeting will be simultaneously translated into German, English, Italian and Polish and participants will be able to follow via the Internet/Zoom application.


  1. A) The conditions for participation in the meeting are as follows:

1 That the person is psychophysically capable of working in evangelization and hagiotherapy

2 Has at least completed high school

3 That he/she participated in seminars, studies, spiritual exercises led by Prof. Dr. Tomislav Ivančić or learned about charism from the professor’s books, recorded lectures and other sources, or through the activities of the members of the Community Prayer and the Word

4 That he/she is motivated to work in evangelization and hagiotherapy

5 That he/she leads a healthy moral life

B) The application should be accompanied by:

1 Certificate of education (copy of certificate) for those who participate for the first time

2 Short CV – according to the above conditions, state the reason why you want to qualify as an evangelizer or hagioassistant (those participating for the first time)

The above documentation should not be provided by: members of CPW (Community of Prayer and the Word), priests, monks and nuns, and those who submitted this documentation when appliying for one of the previous studies of hagiotherapy or international evangelization and hagiotherapy meetings.

Please be sure to fill out the Application Form on our website (if you click) here!

If you do not submit the original form, we will not be able to accept your application. Participants will be able to participate in the meeting in the hall  or via the Internet from their homes. In the application, indicate the method of participation

Due to the costs of organizing the Meeting, a donation will be collected in the amount of 60 €(EUR) for the Croatian-speaking area, and 120 € (EUR) for the participants from the EU and other continents for which online participation and listening to the MEETING will be organized in their mother tongue.

You can pay the donation to the bank account number (IBAN): HR7423400091110057682, SWIFT (BIC): PBZGHR2X

Please BE SURE TO specify:

Donation for the VIII International Evangelization and Hagiotherapy Meeting, and bring the payment confirmation on the day of registration for the MEETING (Wednesday,  July 3, 2024 participants who will participate in the MEETING in the hall.)

Those who cannot fill in the application form online should submit it by mail. Those who apply for the first time can send the documentation by e-mail: or to the address: Community Prayer and the Word, Horvaćanska cesta 21, 10000 Zagreb.

For all necessary information you can contact us on tel: 00385 4817 505, or e-mail:



3 srpnja
7 srpnja
Event Category:


00385 1 4817 505


Dvorana crkve Sv. Mati Slobode
ulica don Petra Šimića 1
Zagreb, 10000 Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)
+ Google Map